Quality Pure Essential Oils and Blends

How to Increase Your Vibration and Spark Your Energy with Essential Oils

How to Increase Your Vibration and Spark Your Energy with Essential Oils

Posted on December 28th, 2023.

In the pursuit of overall well-being, understanding the concept of energy frequency and vibration is paramount. 

Energy frequency and vibration refer to the subtle energy that flows through all living things, influencing our physical, emotional, and spiritual states. 

By harnessing the power of essential oils, you can raise your vibration and unlock a myriad of benefits. 

In this post, we'll explore what energy frequency and vibration are, and how essential oils can help elevate them.

Understanding Energy Frequency and Vibration

Energy frequency and vibration are essential aspects of holistic well-being. Everything in the universe, including our bodies, is composed of energy vibrating at different frequencies. These frequencies can be influenced by various factors, including our thoughts, emotions, and external environments. When our energy frequency is high and in balance, we experience greater vitality, emotional stability, and spiritual clarity.

Conversely, a low or disrupted energy frequency can lead to feelings of lethargy, stress, and emotional imbalance. The goal is to raise our vibration, which can lead to improved physical health, mental clarity, and a deeper connection to our higher selves.

Raising Your Vibration with Essential Oils

Essential oils, derived from plants and herbs, have been used for centuries for their therapeutic properties. They contain the concentrated essence of these natural ingredients and can be powerful tools for increasing your energy frequency and vibration. Here's how you can use essential oils to achieve this:


Diffusing essential oils into the air is a popular method to elevate your vibration. Using a high-quality diffuser, you can fill your space with the healing aroma of essential oils. This method allows the oils to enter your body through inhalation, affecting your mood and energy.

Topical Application

Diluting essential oils with a carrier oil and applying them to your skin allows the oils to be absorbed directly into your bloodstream. This method can provide both physical and emotional benefits. Ensure you perform a patch test and follow proper dilution guidelines to avoid skin sensitivity.


Inhaling the aroma of essential oils by using a handheld inhaler or placing a few drops on a tissue can offer quick relief from stress and fatigue. Simply breathe deeply and let the aroma work its magic.


Adding a few drops of essential oil to your bathwater can create a soothing and energizing experience. The warm water helps the oils penetrate your skin, promoting relaxation and vibrational elevation.

Meditation and Visualization

Incorporating essential oils into your meditation or visualization practice can deepen your spiritual connection and enhance your vibrational frequency. Apply a drop of your chosen oil to your wrists or third eye chakra before starting your session.

5 Powerful Essential Oils to Raise Your Vibration

Now that you understand how to use essential oils, let's explore five powerful oils that can help you increase your vibration:

1. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil is renowned for its calming and balancing properties. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil, making it an excellent choice for raising your vibrational frequency.

2. Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense has been used in spiritual and religious practices for centuries. It has a grounding and centering effect, making it ideal for enhancing meditation and connecting with your higher self.

3. Rose Essential Oil

Known as the "oil of love," rose essential oil can elevate your heart's vibrational frequency. It promotes feelings of love, compassion, and self-acceptance, fostering emotional healing.

4. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint oil is invigorating and refreshing, making it a great choice for boosting energy and mental clarity. It can help you stay focused and alert during your daily activities.

5. Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang ylang oil is associated with sensuality and emotional release. It can help you let go of negativity and elevate your mood, allowing you to experience higher vibrational states.

Incorporating Essential Oils into Your Daily Routine

To make the most of these essential oils and raise your vibration effectively, consider incorporating them into your daily routine:

  • Begin your day with a few deep breaths of your chosen essential oil.
  • Use essential oil-infused skincare products or create your own facial serum for daily self-care.
  • Diffuse essential oils in your home or workspace to enhance focus and productivity.
  • Add a few drops of your preferred oil to your evening bath for relaxation.
  • Create a personalized blend of essential oils to support your specific intentions and goals.

By integrating essential oils into your daily life, you can gradually increase your vibrational frequency and experience the numerous benefits of heightened energy.

Related: 6 Surprising Facts About Essential Oils You Didn't Know


Elevating your energy frequency and vibration with essential oils is a powerful way to enhance your overall well-being. Whether you seek emotional healing, stress relief, or a deeper spiritual connection, essential oils can be your allies on this transformative journey. Explore the magic of essential oils to discover the positive impact they can have on your life.

At Wizard of OilZ, we offer a wide range of high-quality essential oils, chakra oil blends, CBD oils, facial serums, diffusers, and accessories to support your journey towards higher vibrations. 

Shop Now and experience the transformative power of essential oils. 

Connect with us at (866) 571-2011 or via email at [email protected] to learn more about our products and how they can help you on your path to increased vibrational frequency and energy. Your journey to a more balanced and harmonious life begins with a single drop of essential oil.

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