Quality Pure Essential Oils and Blends



1st, Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The first chakra is the center of physical energy – a connection with the earth and a sense of grounded; as well as instincts with survival. When out of balance it makes us feel low energy- alienated from ourselves and others-and easily angered. When in balance it makes us feel secure, stable, full of health, energy, and vitality

Ingredients: Fractionated Coconut Oil, Myrrh, Frankincense, Vetiver, Palo Santo, Cardamom

Associated Element: Earth
Location: Base of the spine

Awakening Poses: Balancing poses like tree and airplane & seated poses like lotus
Balanced: If the root chakra is balanced, you’ll feel grounded, at-ease, healthy, happy, affectionate and whole
Excessive: Greedy, attached to materialistic things, indiscriminate, nervous and egotistical,
Deficient: Feeling anxiety, unloved, weak, abandoned and uninterested
Physical: Responsible for muscular and skeletal system
Psychological: It is the center for self-preservation and self-survival instincts. Also determines how grounded one is
Spiritual: It is the center and home of Kundalini
Malfunction: When under, the person tends to procrastinate and has difficulty following through. When over and the active person suffers from insomnia and restlessness

Uses: To become more rooted in the earth, apply these chakra oils to the soles of the feet

$38.00 10ml

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