Quality Pure Essential Oils and Blends



6th, Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The sixth chakra located in the middle of the eyebrows, connects to our cosmic insight. When off balance there may be moodiness, daydreaming, distrust. When in balance we feel opened and focused, a deep spiritual connection, strong morality, and can easily determine between truth and illusion. The Third Eye is the center of higher intelligence, intuition & guidance.

Associated Color: Indigo

Ingredients: Fractionated Coconut Oil, Lavender, Spruce, Marjoram (sweet)

Associated Element: Light / Spiritual Energy
Location: Between the eyebrows
Awakening Poses: Meditation, raise prayerful hands to center of forehead & touch thumbs to forehead just above eyebrows
Balanced: Non-materialistic, empathetic, & telepathic and seeker of knowledge
Excessive: Overly proud & egotistical
Deficient: Non-assertive, undisciplined & oversensitive
Physical: Pituitary & endocrine glands, spinal cord, ears, eyes & nose
Psychological: Intelligence, thoughtfulness and understanding
Spiritual: Higher mental functioning, wisdom & insight
Malfunction: Ear infections, stuffy nose, sinusitis, inability to concentrate, materialistic

Uses: Apply (diluted) to temples, forehead or bottoms of feet before or during practice

$38.00 10ml

Unleash Your Enchanted Message